Safe extirpating of AFJ after preoperative tumor obliteration with tissue adhesive glue
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2008, Vol 62, Issue 4
The purpose of this work is to present the method of operating juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofi broma with the use of preoperative obliteration with tissue adhesive glue (Histoacryl). Authors described the case of 15 years old patient, who was admitted to ENT Department because of epistaxis, nasal obturation and returning headaches. To explain this problem, the routine diagnostics CT and angio-CT scan was applicated. Angiography confi rmed well vascularized tumor supplied from facial and palatine arteries. Therapy based on the obliteration of tumor vessels with the glue-tissue was applied. As the next step the tumour was surgically extirpated. The application of this method gave a very good, simply bloodless operation effects. It allows a very good, simple and fully precise tumor extirpation. The extirpation of AFJ which is a highly vascularized tumor with the previous obliteration of the supplying vessels is a safe procedure and results in complete removal of the tumour.
Authors and Affiliations
K. Budzynowska, Mirosława Pietniczka, Anatol Dowżenko, W. Czepiel
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