Safety Behavior Analysis in the Drilling Rig Site Operations of Pertamina Hulu Mahakam
Journal Title: International Journal of Current Science Research and Review - Year 2024, Vol 7, Issue 02
PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam is Indonesia national oil company that produce and operate gas and oil field in Mahakam, East Kalimantan Area. It spreads from swamp delta to shallow water offshore area. In 2022, the company operates 5 drilling rigs, which are 3 Jack Up Rigs and 2 Swamp Barge Rigs. The drilling rig is used to perform the operations of well construction activities for development and explorations wells, from spud, drilling, until well completion. The operations on the drilling rig have a high-risk profile. It involves handling equipment, tools, tripping hazard, lifting operations, moving object, drop object, power system, rotation system, high pressure lines and simultaneous operations. A safety system, campaign, initiatives, and measurement are deployed on the rig site to keep the rig crew away from incident. Despite safety initiatives in place on the rig site, however, incident still happens. If incident happened, there will be lost of productivity, man hours, medical cost, administration, and dedicated investigation time. The operations need to be stopped and reevaluated again before continuing the job. Due to the most common factor of incident is human factor, hence, to understand how safety initiatives conducted and implemented by people on the rig, the research uses the theory of planned behavior. The research took sample of questionnaires and interview from personnel on the rig, which are the actors of safety initiatives. It involves direct and indirect method, and comparison between descriptive (manual method) and PLS analysist. On PLS analysis, author compares independently the result between: Direct Measurement (A), Control Belief (B) and Control belief multiply to the outcome evaluation / motivation / power, depend on the factors of the TPB (B x C). From the result, it is observed that the determinant factors of the theory of planned behavior such as: attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control is confirmed to have effect on the intention and safety incident avoidance. Based on the descriptive analysis, all variable element of TPB have high to very high category, except Direct Measurement of Perceived Behavioural Control (PBC) that falls into medium category. This give indication that the level of control, ease or difficulties of rig workers in performing safety initiatives is low compare to the other factors. It is shown by the questionnaire result that despite they have control in performing safety initiatives, however, when incident happened, they state that they have less control. On the hypothesis result, the model B x C has the best output from reliability test, however, it is shown that the attitude has no effect on safety behavior intention. This finding relates to the answer on the level of worries and concern on safety of the rig crew which supposed to be undesirable when incident happened, however the answer was more on desirable. This part can be explored more on how the rig worker view the “worry or concern”, which due to their nature of their workplace, they might use this as a tool to keep vigilant and awareness on the workplace.
Authors and Affiliations
Crisa Agriawan, Henndy Ginting,
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