Safevi Dönemi Şiî Ulema ve Velâyet-i Fakih’in Ortaya Çıkmasını Hazırlayan Tarihsel Süreç Üzerine
Journal Title: İran Çalışmaları Dergisi - Year 2018, Vol 2, Issue 1
The new interpretation of the Twelver Shi’ism supported by the Safavid State which dominated Iran from the 15th century until the beginning of the 18th centry, has strengthened the power of the mullah administration in Iran (Vilayat-e Faqih). Shah Ismail’s declaration of the Shi’ism as an official sect of the state and the Safevid dynasty’s Shi’ite ulama import from outside of Iran have changed both the social and the political destiny of the Safavid state and Iran society. The discussions that took place between the ulema following Shi’a rationalist (Usûli) and traditionalist (Ahbâri) school in the Safavid period, has shaped the Twelver Shi’ism and in the absence of the Gaib Imam, allowed Shi’ite Ulama to serve in the state administration and to intervene more in social and religious matters. This study claims that the foundations of Vilayat-e Faqih were built during the Safavid period. In this framework this work deals with issues such as: The expansion of Shi’ite sect in the Safavid period in Iran, Shi’ite ulama import from outside of Iran, the empowerment of the ulama and involvement in government administration, state-ulama relations, Within the framework of these issues, this study aims to explain the historical process during the Safavid Dynasty that enabled the Vilayat-e Faqih administration to came to power in Iran in 1979.
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