Saint Arunagirinathar and his Thiruppugazhs
Journal Title: International Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies (IJIMS) - Year 2017, Vol 4, Issue 3
Whenever we think of songs or compositions in praise of Lord Murugan, it is Saint Arunagirinathar who comes to our mind first. He has composed Kandhar Anubhoothi, Kandhar Alankaram, Kandhar Andhadhi and Thiruppugazh on Lord Murugan. Thiruppugazh is the crown of all his compositions, with regards to its lyrical beauty, rich meaning and brilliant handling of rhythms called „Santhams‟. A blend of two words, „Thiru‟ denoting Wealth, Prosperity and Divinity, and „Pugazh‟ meaning Glory or Eminence, Thiruppugazh has several aspects and facets to be analysed.. This study is an attempt to analyze the lyrical beauty and meaning rich words of Thiruppugazh..
Authors and Affiliations
Rasiga Deviprasadh
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