SAKTHI: Scheduling Algorithm K to Hybrid in Cloud Computing


Cloud computing is based on the concepts of distributed computing, grid computing, utility computing and virtualization. It is a virtual pool of resources which are provided to users via Internet. These cloud computing environments provide an illusion of infinite computing resources to cloud users so that they can increase or decrease their resource consumption rate according to the demands. At the same time, the cloud environment meets a number of challenges. Cloud providers and cloud users are two important players in cloud environment to pursue different goals. The Cloud service providers want to maximize throughput by achieving high resource utilization, while users want to minimize expenses while meeting their performance requirements. However, it is difficult to allocate resources in a mutually optimal way due to the lack of information sharing between them. It introduces new scheduling algorithm name as SAKTHI which is abbreviated by Scheduling Algorithm K to Hybrid In Cloud.

Authors and Affiliations

Sakthivelmurugan. V, Rajkumar. K


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How To Cite

Sakthivelmurugan. V, Rajkumar. K (2015). SAKTHI: Scheduling Algorithm K to Hybrid in Cloud Computing. International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 3(5), -.