Scheduling of activities and optimisation of material consumption as the function of improving quality and developing business systems

Journal Title: Notitia - časopis za održivi razvoj - Year 2017, Vol 3, Issue 1


The economic system encompasses a large number of systemic categories and activities, which have to meet user requirements and needs by means of an efficient combination of knowledge, ideas, capital and technology. Economic subjects of the system include companies, as the goal-oriented system focused on the real and profitable market affirmation, which implies adequate acknowledgement and efficient satisfaction of user needs. The economic system has a high degree of interactivity with numerous systems, such as the system of science and technology, global economic system, socio-political system. Economic systems have various levels of development, various development dynamics, various operation efficiency. The overall objective of the economic system can be presented as the formation of a dynamic network of efficient business systems, part of the economic system, the operations which achieve the maximum possible degree of efficiency, expressed as the ratio of achieved results and the level of engagement of limited resources for its realisation. Ensuring and improving the operation quality of a certain system requires synchronization of a wide spectrum of activities within the system itself, enables the expression of business potency, and is reflected on the development of the economic system as a whole. Business systems have various business concepts, business sensibility and business competence, and thus different improvement sources. Scheduling and coordination of activities in technologically demanding industries, as well as the optimisation of inputs in order to achieve the desired output, is based on the potential of optimisation model the adequate use of which enables the increase of system development level.

Authors and Affiliations

Mirjana Landika, Sanel Jakupović, Vedran Šupuković


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  • EP ID EP455344
  • DOI 10.32676/n.3.8
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How To Cite

Mirjana Landika, Sanel Jakupović, Vedran Šupuković (2017). Scheduling of activities and optimisation of material consumption as the function of improving quality and developing business systems. Notitia - časopis za održivi razvoj, 3(1), 91-101.