Schwann cells in therapy of spinal cord injuries

Journal Title: Advances in Hygiene and Experimental Medicine - Year 2013, Vol 67, Issue 0


Schwann cells (SC) have a special activity in the repair processes after injury of the nervous system because of the capability of differentiation, migration, proliferation and myelinization of axons. They enhance production of numerous neurotrophic factors, thus creating a permissive environment for axonal regeneration. Experimental studies using SC in neuronal transplants showed that these cells with their basal membrane with adhesion molecules are attractive material for neural prostheses facilitating axon growth. Moreover, SC can produce stable myelin, restoring normal function of the neuron. Transplantations of SC in myelin injury have been used in animal models of multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, and brain and spinal cord injuries. Because the transplanted SC have no ability to migrate within the normal nervous system, in many experiments SC derived from rat embryos were applied. Such cells migrated through normal nervous tissue and co-operated with host cells, their survival was longer, and myelin was not destroyed in multiple sclerosis. Also, fast recovery of motor activity in injured axons in rat spinal cord was observed, especially after transplantation of SC derived from skin progenitor cells or progenitor cells which have a phenotype characteristic for SC. Many authors have reported early apoptosis of transplanted SC, so a more complex repair strategy is needed that combines SC transplantation with other methods in order to achieve longer survival and optimal functional recovery following spinal cord injury.

Authors and Affiliations

Izabella Woszczycka-Korczyńska, Edyta Olakowska, Wiesław Marcol, Joanna Lewin-Kowalik, Halina Jędrzejowska-Szypułka


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Izabella Woszczycka-Korczyńska, Edyta Olakowska, Wiesław Marcol, Joanna Lewin-Kowalik, Halina Jędrzejowska-Szypułka (2013). Schwann cells in therapy of spinal cord injuries. Advances in Hygiene and Experimental Medicine, 67(0), 680-689.