Schwannoma of the vagal nerve – case report
Journal Title: Polski Przegląd Otorynolaryngologiczny - Year 2017, Vol 6, Issue 3
Schwann cell tumour is a rare benign neoplasms, which in approximately 25–45% of cases localises in the head and neck region. The half of them is found intracranially, within the cochleovestibular nerve (n. VIII) leading to deef. The slow growth and the lack of characteristic clinical signs influence clinically silent development of the tumour. Presence of the clinical signs may by connected with the pressure on the surrounding anatomical structures or the damage of the affected nerve. The treatment of the choice of the extracranial tumours is surgical resection. In presented case, the tumour development was signless. The attempt of the tumour enucleation was taken. Because of the difficulties with the tumour extracapsular enucleation, the decision of radical resection of the tumour and a part of the vagal nerve had been made. The vagal Schwann cell tumour is benign and rare neoplasm, that should be resected, despite it doesn’t influence the suspected patients survival. The main problem stands for the complications due to the nerve damaging during the surgery.
Authors and Affiliations
Przemysław Hubert Krawczyk, Dariusz Kaczmarczyk, Marcin Braun
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