Scientific justification of risk management system of ecologically caused reproductive pathology in population
Journal Title: Медичні перспективи - Year 2015, Vol 20, Issue 3
The article presents the results of development of system of measures – a conceptual model of risk management of environmentally induced reproductive pathology in the population, which includes a complex of interdependent staged measures: ecological and hygienic monitoring, characteristics of environmental safety, study of social component of ecological safety, hygienic diagnosis of the impact of environmental factors on the social dimension of environmental safety, hygiene forecasting, implementation of preventive measures, assessment of their quality and efficiency. It was established that an important component of measures of medical and biological pre¬vention is early diagnosis and prediction of violations of trace element status, childbearing potential, reproductive disorders in population using predictive models and calculated criteria values of markers of exposure, as well as hygienic determinants of reproductive health. It is proved that the use of pectin preparations and organic forms of zinc for elimination of xenobiotics is a highly effective means, which normalizes trace element status and prevents pre-nosologic changes in the generative system of a person, reduces incidence of reproductive disorders.
Authors and Affiliations
N. Onul
Особливості формування патології системи кровообігу евакуйованого населення, яке зазнало впливу іонізуючого опромінення на щитоподібну залозу, у постчорнобильський період
Цель – анализ структуры и динамики заболеваемости эвакуированного населения, особенностей развития наиболее распространенных форм патологии системы кровообращения (СК) в отдаленный период после аварии на ЧАЭС. Материалы...
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