Sclerotinia rot of rapeseed mustard: A comprehensive review

Journal Title: Journal of Applied and Natural Science - Year 2016, Vol 8, Issue 4


Indian mustard [Brassica juncea (L.) Czern & Coss.] is one of the major oilseed crops cultivated in India and around the world. It is extensively grown traditionally as a pure crop as well as intercrop (mixed crop) in marginal and sub-marginal soils in the eastern, northern and north western states of India. Cool and moist climate of winter months is the major factor for luxuriant growth and productivity of mustard in these states. Despite considerable increase in productivity and production, a wide gap exists between yield potential and yield realized at farmer’s field, which is largely due to biotic and abiotic stresses. The destructive diseases of rapeseed-mustard include those caused by fungi, bacteria, viruses and phytoplasma. Among them, Sclerotinia stem rot is the most serious fungal disease that causes maximum damage in Indian mustard. This paper reviews the research and development of Sclerotinia rot in rapeseed-mustard during the past years in relation to pathogen taxonomy, biology, epidemiology, disease cycle and management. The paper also attempts to present future outlook and strategy for Sclerotinia rot of rapeseed mustard research.

Authors and Affiliations

Rakesh Rakesh, A. S. Rathi, Pawan Kumar, Anil Kumar, Pavitra Kumari


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How To Cite

Rakesh Rakesh, A. S. Rathi, Pawan Kumar, Anil Kumar, Pavitra Kumari (2016). Sclerotinia rot of rapeseed mustard: A comprehensive review. Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 8(4), 2325-2336.