Screening And Assessment of Anxiety in Cancer Patients Attending Oncology Opd Of Kamsrc.
Journal Title: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) - Year 2017, Vol 16, Issue 10
Cancer being the most stressful events, anxiety is one of the most commonly diagnosed psychiatric illness. Anxiety may interfere with cancer treatment. Screening and assessment of anxiety in cancer patients is necessary for good cancer care. The main aim of this study is to screen and assess for anxiety in newly diagnosed cancer patients attending the oncology OPD at KAMSRC. Patients who gave their informed consent were recruited and screened for anxiety using the Hospital Anxiety And Depression Scale (HADS). The positively screened subjects were further assessed using Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A). In the study sample age and illiteracy were the factors frequently affecting anxiety.
Authors and Affiliations
Krishna Sahithi . J, Cuddapah Gaurav Venkat, Thota Rashmitha, Tam Tam Bhavana
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