Secure Medical Internet of Things Framework based on Parkerian Hexad Model


Medical Internet of Things (MIoT) applications enhance medical services by collecting data using devices connected to the IoT. The collected data, which may include personal data and location, is transmitted to mobile device and to health care provider via Internet Service Provider (ISP). Unfortunately, connecting a device to a network or sending data via wide network may make those devices and data vulnerable to unauthorized access. In this research, a secure 3-tier MIoT framework is proposed. Tier 1 includes the devices and sensors that will collect data. Those devices and sensors are based upon limited resources; therefore, they cannot apply complex security and privacy algorithms. Tier 2 includes the devices that will collect data from Tier 1 and submit it to Tier 3 via Internet Service Provider (ISP). Tier 3 includes the Health Information System. The framework defines the controls that are needed between layers to secure user privacy and data based on the Parkerian Hexad Model.

Authors and Affiliations

Nidal Turab, Qasem Kharma


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  • EP ID EP594242
  • DOI 10.14569/IJACSA.2019.0100608
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How To Cite

Nidal Turab, Qasem Kharma (2019). Secure Medical Internet of Things Framework based on Parkerian Hexad Model. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications, 10(6), 54-62.