Sejarah Lembaga Pendidikan Islam di Indonesia sebelum Kemerdekaan (Abad 7 dan 8 Masehi)
Journal Title: Nukhbatul 'Ulum - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 2
The history of Islam inscribed on the archipelago is actually inseparable from the development of Islamic education in Indonesia. To be precise, the development of Islamic education has an age that is almost the same as the history of Islamic travel in Indonesia. The history of Islamic education is as old as the entry of Islam into Indonesia. This is because the followers of Islam who were still relatively new at that time, will certainly learn and understand about the teachings of Islam. Even though in a simple sense, the learning process that time had happened. From here, Islamic education began to emerge. Where at frst they studied in homes, langgar/surau, mosques and later developed into boarding schools. The development of Islam in the Arabian Peninsula in the 7th century has implications for the spread of Islam to various parts of the world with several channels of the Islamization process in Indonesia, namely, trade, marriage, art, and education.
Authors and Affiliations
Pemahaman Masyarakat tentang Wakalah dalam Akad Pernikahan Menurut Kompilasi Hukum Islam di Kabupaten Bone
The aims of this study are to identify the guardian's motivation in representing the trusteeship to other parties, to identify the practice of wakalah of guardian (wali) in the marriage contract in Bone Regency and to id...
Pola Komunikasi Da'iyah dalam Pembinaan Keagamaan di Muslimah Wahdah Islamiyah Daerah Makassar
The aim of this research is to identify the communicational pattern applied by Muslimah of Wahdah Islamiyah in the effort of religious coaching. This research applies qualitative and descriptive method. Method of collect...
Pengaruh Lafazh Nāṣ al-‘Ᾱm (Umum) dan Nāṣ al-Khāṣ (Khusus) pada Ijtihād Para Ulama
Moslem scholars are the prophets’ heir. There have been the Islam treasuries which they have bequeathed for Islam generations. That it cannot be denied happens difference of their ijtihād in doing istinbāṭ the law of a pr...
Jejak Kanunisasi dalam Fikih Islam
This research analyzes one of manifestation on Fiqh norms of Islam in the form of canonization or Taqnin. Subjects discussed in this research is (1) the Islamic Juristperspectives, (2) brief history of canonization in th...
Sejarah Lembaga Pendidikan Islam di Indonesia sebelum Kemerdekaan (Abad 7 dan 8 Masehi)
The history of Islam inscribed on the archipelago is actually inseparable from the development of Islamic education in Indonesia. To be precise, the development of Islamic education has an age that is almost the same as...