Sejarah Lembaga Pendidikan Islam di Indonesia sebelum Kemerdekaan (Abad 7 dan 8 Masehi)
Journal Title: Nukhbatul 'Ulum - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 2
The history of Islam inscribed on the archipelago is actually inseparable from the development of Islamic education in Indonesia. To be precise, the development of Islamic education has an age that is almost the same as the history of Islamic travel in Indonesia. The history of Islamic education is as old as the entry of Islam into Indonesia. This is because the followers of Islam who were still relatively new at that time, will certainly learn and understand about the teachings of Islam. Even though in a simple sense, the learning process that time had happened. From here, Islamic education began to emerge. Where at frst they studied in homes, langgar/surau, mosques and later developed into boarding schools. The development of Islam in the Arabian Peninsula in the 7th century has implications for the spread of Islam to various parts of the world with several channels of the Islamization process in Indonesia, namely, trade, marriage, art, and education.
Authors and Affiliations
Metode Ijtihad Komisi Fatwa Majelis Ulama Indonesia
The Fatwa Commision and the National Sharia Council are two institutions under the central of Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI). Its primary function is to issue fatwa (a binding ruling in religious matters) related with th...
Peran Snouck Hurgronje dalam Merancang Sistem Pendidikan Sekuler di Indonesia dan Dampaknya bagi Kaum Pribumi Islam
The secular education system is an education system that separates explicitly between religion and science. Indigenous Indonesians began to recognize the secular education system from the Netherlands at the beginning of...
Faktor-faktor Kebolehan al-Mubtada berupa Isim Nakirah dalam Kajian Ilmu Nahwu
One of the subjects in the study of Nahwu Knowledge is al-Mubtada. AlMubtada is one of the important elements in a sentence. One cause of imperfect sentence is due to unfamiliarity with al-Mubtada’ and the absence of al-...
Tinjauan Klasik-Modern Hukum Islam terhadap Air
Water as the artery of human life does not only fulfill the basic physical needs, but also to fulfill the primary needs of the moslem in terms of worship. Islam manages the manner of water use which is the part of the no...
Al-Quran sebagai Sumber Agama Islam
As the divine revelation, al-Qur’ān is not a tught product and Mohammad’s creation. So that, those who say that al-Qur’ān is a thought product and Mohammad’s creation, are not right and irresponsibility. If we look at hi...