Selected issues in innovativeness in forestry processes management


With the background of general characteristics of forests in Poland, the objective and scope of innovativeness has been discussed in economy, including forest economy, and in work safety management. Special attention has been paid to the specific nature of noxiousness of work in a highly varied work environment, which often times extremely unfavourably increases health risk, or even poses hazard to life of the employees in the forestry process. Implementing the issues of innovativeness in forestry should be related to the current achievements in science and to technical progress, with a view on the necessity of eliminating or effective reducing accidents in the works related to acquiring raw timber.

Authors and Affiliations

Zenon Muszyński, Leszek Kozioł, Jacek Muszyński


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How To Cite

Zenon Muszyński, Leszek Kozioł, Jacek Muszyński (2011). Selected issues in innovativeness in forestry processes management. Zeszyty Naukowe Małopolskiej Wyższej Szkoły Ekonomicznej w Tarnowie, 19(2), 75-85.