Selected Principles of Developing Fire Scenarios
Journal Title: Safety & Fire Technology - Year 2016, Vol 42, Issue 42
Purpose: The aim of the article is to discuss selected issues related to the principles of developing fire scenarios. Introduction: Fire scenarios determine the way of operation of fire-fighting equipment and utility or technology equipment in a building during a fire. They determine algorithms of their functioning, interaction and impact on each other. They also take into account organizational arrangements in a fire situation. Thus, they constitute an important document that integrates the requirements for fire safety of buildings and setting out guidelines of interconnection of individual installation industries. The article discusses formal requirement concerning a fire scenario, example of how to construct fire scenarios were demonstrated, the principles of cooperation of selected devices and systems in the event of a fire were provided. Methodology:In the article a method of observation was mainly used, alternatively methods of analysis and criticism of literature were applied. The authors’ experience in the field of observation of the processes of design, installation and operation of fire and technical installations in buildings was used. Documents of laws and documents describing fire scenarios, as well as rules of interaction of devices in the event of a fire were analyzed. Conclusions: The results of the analysis of the authors’ experiences, laws, normative documents and literature allowed to formulate the following conclusions: - A fire scenario is a document which should be created at the phase of a building project by a fire-prevention expert, elaborated at the phase of an executive and post-executive project by the designer of the fire detection and fire alarm system in cooperation with the expert and updated during construction and installation changes in the building. - The method of dividing into control zones should include ensuring fire safety and limited interference with the functioning of the building in the areas free of fire risk. Dividing a building into fire zones, smoke zones, floors, fire resistant areas and anticipating the effects of a fire over a given area and the impact on the should be taken into consideration. - Input signals incoming to the fire alarm control panel should have appropriate control assigned the, taking into account the source of the signal (detector, manual call point, control module) and the type of the fire alarm (fire alarm level I, fire alarm level II). Defining input signals from each control zone, possible behavior of people in a fire situation and the ways of installation operation should be taken into consideration, in particular, special attention should be paid to defining controls from the manual call point. - At the stage of a construction design, a fire scenario sets goals that individual industries are supposed to realize, at the stage of an executive project a fire scenario compiles the installations in the form of a matrix of controls.
Authors and Affiliations
mł. bryg. dr inż. Przemysław Kubica, st. bryg. dr inż. Waldemar Wnęk, kpt. mgr inż. Sylwia Boroń
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