Selected types of work load of male physiotherapists in hospital setting

Journal Title: Fizjoterapia Polska - Year 2010, Vol 10, Issue 3


Background. Physical effort is part and parcel of the work of physiotherapists. The profession is generally associated with relatively strenuous physical work. Men and women perceive the level of physical load similarly. The present work aims to assess exercise loads associated with selected activities performed by physiotherapists working in the hospital setting.Material and methods. Three widely utilised standard therapeutic procedures were selected, namely: passive exercises, individual resistance exercises, and verticalisation and gait education. The study involved young men employed in hospital departments of rehabilitation and neurology. Their physical capacity was measured with the PWC170 exertion test; the intensity of physical effort was assessed indirectly by measuring the heart rate.Results. The male physiotherapists had low physical capacity (3.8 l/min ± σ = 0.63). The intensity of physical effort during the selected standard procedures was low, mean heart rate was HR 106.82 ± σ = 15.41, and maximal oxygen uptake was VO2max=56.60%. Nevertheless, physiotherapists subjectively perceived their duties as strenuous. The results of the present study showed that their work can be classified as strenuous, but only when the principles of hygiene and ergonomics are taken into consideration.Conclusions. Conclusions are drawn regarding the need to keep physiotherapists’ physical capacity at an appropriate level and to establish contraindications to perform standard therapeutic procedures associated with considerable physical effort.

Authors and Affiliations

Andrzej Lewandowski, Martyna Wasielewska, Ryszard Grucza, Jacek Klawe, Paweł Zalewski


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How To Cite

Andrzej Lewandowski, Martyna Wasielewska, Ryszard Grucza, Jacek Klawe, Paweł Zalewski (2010). Selected types of work load of male physiotherapists in hospital setting. Fizjoterapia Polska, 10(3), 234-241.