Self-Governing Protectorate-Panacea to Yoruba Self Determination? A forensic Assessment of the Feasibility, Pros and Cons
Journal Title: Peer Reviewed Journal of Forensic & Genetic Sciences - Year 2018, Vol 2, Issue 4
Nigeria, like many parts of Africa, has suffered from the careless, some will even say criminal methods by which the different parts of the newly discovered parts of Africa were divided during the grab for colonies by the rival European powers. One has only to look at the map to see how little account was taken of natural features or tribal groupings. There was thus imposed upon a large part of the continent an artificial system for which there was no basis for national unity’ -Harold Macmillan (British Prime Minister 1957-1963) in autobiography Pointing the Way. On Friday, August 21, 2012, the headlines of a major Nigerian newspaper screamed “Yorubas demand regional autonomy”. A general assembly of Yoruba self-determination groups/Elders demanded the Nigerian government grant the south western parts of the country (Yorubaland) freedom to, among other things, conduct their own foreign policy, trade and most controversial of all run their own police force. Younger readers found these demands bizarre but senior citizens still recalled that this was the status quo when The British granted Nigeria independence in 1960. It took a military coup six years later and a bitter civil war for the monolithic Nigeria of today to emerge.
Authors and Affiliations
Seun Ayoade
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