Diarrhoea is one of the commonest cause of morbidity among young children .Diarrhoeal infections are fifth
leading cause of mortality worldwide.Global reports indicates that in 2008, despite the recommendations
about the...
Hypertension and Dyslipidemia are common accompaniments of Diabetes Mellitus and are major risk factors
for cardiovascular diseases. This is a study of hypertension and lipid profile in 35 subjects with uncontrolled
Introduction: Hypospadias is a congenital anomaly, for which number of procedures had been described. We
compared Mathieu’s flip flap, Onlay transverse preputial flap urethroplasties with Tubularized incised plate
Introduction: The practice of breast feeding is popular since ancient times. Though some mothers
understand the importance of breast feeding, but others are less knowledgeable on the benefits of
breastfeeding and complem...
Background: This study was conducted to assess whether intubation is more difficult in obese patients
compared to non-obese and to assess the ability of ratio of the neck circumference to thyromental distance
(NC/TM), to...
EP ID EP501788
Views 62
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How To Cite
(2018). Self-medication practices among patients presenting to Medicine OPD in a
tertiary care hospital, AIIMS-Patna (Bihar). Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research, 6(12),
300-307. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-501788
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The Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of Mothers of Hospitalized Children 6 Month To 5 Years of Age Towards Acute Diarrhoea and Oral Rehydration Therapy
Diarrhoea is one of the commonest cause of morbidity among young children .Diarrhoeal infections are fifth leading cause of mortality worldwide.Global reports indicates that in 2008, despite the recommendations about the...
Study of Blood Pressure and Lipid Profile in Uncontrolled Diabetes Mellitus
Hypertension and Dyslipidemia are common accompaniments of Diabetes Mellitus and are major risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. This is a study of hypertension and lipid profile in 35 subjects with uncontrolled diab...
Snodgrass (Tubularized Incised Plate) Urethroplasty better then Mathieu’s Flip Flap and Onlay Flap for Hypospadias with Intact Urethral Plate?
Introduction: Hypospadias is a congenital anomaly, for which number of procedures had been described. We compared Mathieu’s flip flap, Onlay transverse preputial flap urethroplasties with Tubularized incised plate urethr...
Breast Feeding Knowledge Attitude and Practices amongst Mothers of Rural and Tribal Region
Introduction: The practice of breast feeding is popular since ancient times. Though some mothers understand the importance of breast feeding, but others are less knowledgeable on the benefits of breastfeeding and complem...
Comparison of Difficult Intubation and Neck Circumference to Thyromental Distance Ratio, in Obese and Non-Obese: A Clinical Study
Background: This study was conducted to assess whether intubation is more difficult in obese patients compared to non-obese and to assess the ability of ratio of the neck circumference to thyromental distance (NC/TM), to...