Journal Title: International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences (IJMRHS) - Year 2015, Vol 4, Issue 3
Introduction: In INDIA almost 20000 people die (40% of world death) each year from rabies. Most of these deaths could be prevented by post exposure prophylaxis with wound washing, rabies immunoglobulin & vaccination. Local wound management alone can reduce viral load by up to 80%. Objective: To study selfwound management practices in animal exposure patients before attending a tertiary level ARV clinic. Methodology: Data regarding wound management was collected by individual interview of patients attending the ARV clinic during OCT 2011 to MAR 2012. The data collected in the form of a questionnaire. Analysis of data was done in the Department Of Community Medicine, V.S.S. Medical College, Burla. Results: Total 493 cases of animal exposure were attended during the study period. Most common biting animal was dog (94.5%). 31% of cases were under the age of 10 years & 23% belongs to the age of 10-19 years. Male to female ratio was 3:1. Most of the cases (91%) were of category III exposure. Immediate management of wound was practiced by 63-77% of cases before visiting ARV clinic; only 2% wash the wound with running water & soap for 15 minutes. 39% of cases applied Dettol/savlon at the wound side & other 38% applied turmeric, red chilli, kerosene, Band-Aid & ghee locally. Most cases (61%) reported to ARV clinic within 24hours.
Authors and Affiliations
Amit Kumar Mishra| Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences, Pondicherry, Corresponding author email:, Smita Panda| Associate Professor, Department of Community Medicine, Department of Pediatrics V.S.S.M.C.H, Burla, Prakash Chandra Panda| Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics V.S.S.M.C.H, Burla
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