Selling of dispossessed property


The work is devoted to resolving the question whether former owners of dispossessed property can effectively challenge disposing legal actions taken by the State Treasury (local authorities respectively) in relation to the property in the case the purpose of dispossession has not been achieved. Underpinning this analysis was a fictional actual state, which also provided a basis for an interpretation of laws. Particular emphasis was placed on a discussion of the laws relating to the economy of property. Basing on this, a careful consideration was given to the issue whether any third parties (former owners of the properties) have any justified demands or claims towards the property if there has been some negative premise on the date of performing legal actions /dispossession/, particularly if the prerequisites have been met concerning the return of the dispossessed property as unnecessary with regard to the aim of the dispossession. Not achieving the purpose of the dispossession may result in the return of the dispossessed property. What is crucial, however, is whether the Ministry of Treasury is obliged to inform former owners about the possibility of returning the property, and, if so, what the legal consequences of not fulfilling this obligation are. The paper also discusses the influence of starting the investment which justified the dispossession on the legitimacy of the demand for its return to former owners.

Authors and Affiliations

Joanna Ablewicz


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How To Cite

Joanna Ablewicz (2009). Selling of dispossessed property. Zeszyty Naukowe Małopolskiej Wyższej Szkoły Ekonomicznej w Tarnowie, 13(2), 87-95.