Seminarium jako miejsce i czas „zdobywania Serca Jezusa”
Journal Title: Sympozjum - Year 2016, Vol 31, Issue 2
In the article Seminary as the place and time of gaining the Sacred Heart of Jesus the author takes the chance to analyse some of the statements of pope Francis, which has been presented in Kraków – Łagiewniki on 30th July, 2016. Pope’s teaching shows the fundamental dimension of the formation in the seminary, which the main goal is to prepare a candidate for ordination through the particular intellectual, spiritual, and personality formation. The integral development of a consecrated person is above all the pure gift of God, who through the constant improvement of a sinful person communicates His merciful love. The whole process of responding to such love is the labour of approaching towards Love Eternal and “conquering inexhaustible wealth of the Heart of Jesus”. Consecrated person and a candidate for ordination through the holistic effort of formation comes closer to the mystery of Jesus’ presence in another person, whom he learns how to serve, despite his/her shortcomings. Noticing another person with his/her needs and serving him/her are the vital conditions of shaping his own heart as the imitation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Authors and Affiliations
Tadeusz Michałek
Modlitwa, post, praca i dzieła miłosierdzia w świetle teologii św. Tomasza z Akwinu
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