Sen si bi li ty di sor ders after ACL re con struc tion with BTB graft

Journal Title: Fizjoterapia Polska - Year 2010, Vol 10, Issue 4


The pur po se of the re se arch was to ana ly se da ta con cer ning su per fi cial sen si bi li ty di sor ders on the la te - ral si de of knee jo int oc cur ring after re con struc tion of an te rior cru cia te li ga ment (ACL) with bo ne -ten don -bo ne (BTB) graft. The re se arch was ma in ly to find out the span of ti me after which ail ments of this ty pe sub si ded. The re se arch was car ried out among 137 pa tients who un der went ACL re con struc tion with BTB. They we re asked to fill in qu estion na ires after 3, 4, 5, 6, 12, 18 and 24 mon ths after the sur ge ry. Qu estions we re to find out in for ma tion abo ut the re gion of sen si bi li ty di sor ders, cur rent qu ali ty of the di sor ders and the ti me span after which the di sor - ders su sta ined. Pa tients after an te rior cru cia te li ga ment re con struc tion with a graft ta ken from pa tel lar ten don re port sen si bi li - ty di sor ders on the la te ral si de of the knee jo int be low the pa tel la on the le vel of the scar. Most often the se ail ments sub si - de after 12-18 mon ths after the sur ge ry. Su per fi cial sen si bi li ty was back after 4 mon ths at the ear liest. In ca se of most pa tients, su per fi cial sen si bi li ty in the di scus sed re gion was ful ly re sto red. This al lows to sta te that the exa mi ned di sor ders are tem po ra ry. Be fo re a pa tient re ga ins nor mal sen si bi li ty, ma ny pro ce du res in phy sio the - ra py of the re gion we are di scus sing sho uld be ap plied ve ry ca re ful ly.

Authors and Affiliations

Anna Morawik, Dariusz Grela


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How To Cite

Anna Morawik, Dariusz Grela (2010). Sen si bi li ty di sor ders after ACL re con struc tion with BTB graft. Fizjoterapia Polska, 10(4), 299-306.