Sense of coherence and ways of coping in the relationship with brother or sister in healthy siblings of mentally ill persons

Journal Title: Psychiatria Polska - Year 2014, Vol 48, Issue 2


Aim . The aim of the present study was to investigate sense of coherence in healthy siblings of persons suffering from schizophrenia as well as their ways of coping in the relationship with ill brother or sister. Methods . 40 healthy brothers and sisters of persons with ICD- 10 diagnosis of F20 to F29 participated in the present study. Orientation to Life Scale (SOC- 29) was used to as - sess sense of coherence and Ways of Coping with Stress questionnaire (SRSS) was used to examine stress coping strategies. Results . Mean global score of siblings of persons with schizophrenia was 111 points. Subjects used coping strategies focused on problem significantly more often than those focused on emotions. Conclusions . Therapeutic work with healthy siblings should focus on strengthening sense of personal competence, development of personal resources and different ways of coping with stress, investigation of emotions that healthy siblings experience in the relationship with ill brother or sister as well as supporting the process of accepting changes in the relationship with the ill sibling.

Authors and Affiliations

Anna Osuchowska-Kościjańska, Katarzyna Charzyńska, Małgorzata Chądzyńska, Beata Kasperek-Zimowska, Agata Bednarek, Maryla Sawicka


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Anna Osuchowska-Kościjańska, Katarzyna Charzyńska, Małgorzata Chądzyńska, Beata Kasperek-Zimowska, Agata Bednarek, Maryla Sawicka (2014). Sense of coherence and ways of coping in the relationship with brother or sister in healthy siblings of mentally ill persons. Psychiatria Polska, 48(2), 371-382.