Serum Leptin Level in Diabetes Mellitus : A Case Control Study in India
Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue 4
Abstract: It is a universal endocrine disorder and both its incidence and prevalence are alarmingly increasing day by day. Leptin is a hormone communicating information on the body fat store or energy reserve to the brain, thus maintaining normal functions of several neuro endocrine axis. Obesity, eating disorder (Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimina Nervosa) is associated with altered serum leptin. Leptin level is higher in obese (highest in obese diabetics)reflecting leptin resistance(akin to hyperinsulinemia in type II DM) possibly caused by reduced transport into the cerebrospinal fluid or defective post receptor signaling. A close relationship of leptin concentration to insulin resistance has been reported emphasizing that the resistance to the action of leptin may be present in subject with insulin resistance. The main aim of the study to observed the relationship of leptin level in different anthropometric and metabolic covariates in various groups. Prospective study, of total 4 groups 20 in each group, total 80 different patients were included in our present study. In this we observed the leptin level. Obese had 9.5575 leptin levels and lean had 7.0725 leptinlevel. Obese diabetic had highest leptin level i.e. 10.965 and least was present in lean non-diabetic i.e. 6.315 group. Highest body mass index group had highest leptin level (obese diabetic group). The group which had lowest body mass index had lowest level of leptin. In this, we concluded that Leptin level higher in obese as compare to lean. Leptin level is highest in obese diabetics followed by obese non diabetic, lean diabetic and lean non-diabetic. Leptin level strongly correlated with body mass index, waist hip ratio and waist circumferences. There is inverse relationship- of leptin level with HDL cholesterol. There is no relationship of leptin with glycaemic control. Keywords:Diabetes, Obese, Leptin, BMI, Glycaemic Control
Authors and Affiliations
Amit Kumar Sagar, KishanGopal Barupal, C. P. Mathur, Sandeep Tak, ManjuLata Verma
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