Seven Futures: Five Years Later

Journal Title: e-mentor - Year 2017, Vol 69, Issue 2


"The Seven Futures of American Education: Improving Learning & Teaching in a Screen-Captured World" was released in March 2012. The impending five-year anniversary of its release seems like an appropriate occasion for reflection and retrospection. How accurate was the Seven Futures framework as a predictive model? How useful was Seven Futures as a tool for promoting the use of digital technologies to improve education in general and American higher education in particular?

Authors and Affiliations

John Sener


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  • EP ID EP328065
  • DOI 10.15219/em69.1298
  • Views 67
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How To Cite

John Sener (2017). Seven Futures: Five Years Later. e-mentor, 69(2), 87-94.