Shouldice Herniorrhaphy Technique: Surgeons Need to Remember It

Journal Title: Journal of Clinical and Analytical Medicine - Year 2012, Vol 3, Issue 1


Aim: Hernia surgery is the second most common surgical intervention performed by general surgeons following emergent surgeries. Shouldice herniorraphy is a classical surgery which is in the high tension repair group. This technique should be known by every surgeon. Also being an alternative method, it can be a necessity in cases in which tension free methods can not be performed. In the present study we investigated the advantages, disadvantages and complications of the Shouldice herniorraphy and Lichtenstein technique with the review of the technical literature. Material and Method: We compared 75 patients who were diagnosed with inguinal hernia and treated with Lichtenstein herniorraphy with 33 patients who were treated with Shouldice herniorraphy in Samsun Bafra Public Hospital between April 2007 and May 2008. Age, sex, hernia type, anesthesia method, mean hospitalisation length, early and late post operative complications were recorded. Result: Early post operative complications were urinary retention, wound infection and hematoma. The patients under spinal anesthesia with urinary retention were treated with urinary catheterization. Superficial wound infection was treated with drainage and antibiotic threapy. Among late postoperative complications; we observed paresthesia in the thigh in one patient in the Shouldice group and relapse hernia in one patient in the Lichtenstein group. Discussion: We suggest that this surgical technique which should be known by every surgeon should be taught to new surgery attenders as an alternative technique. This technique can be an alternative method and also may be the first choice in patients in whom tension free methods can not be applicated.

Authors and Affiliations

İbrahim Yetim, Oktay Karaköse, Adem Dervişoğlu, Kenan Erzurumlu,


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  • EP ID EP108618
  • DOI 10.4328/JCAM.401
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How To Cite

İbrahim Yetim, Oktay Karaköse, Adem Dervişoğlu, Kenan Erzurumlu, (2012). Shouldice Herniorrhaphy Technique: Surgeons Need to Remember It. Journal of Clinical and Analytical Medicine, 3(1), 1-3.