Sieć ekumeniczna w społeczeństwie sieci: Światowe Forum Chrześcijańskie (Global Christian Forum) jako ekumeniczna odpowiedź na nowy kształt społeczeństwa globalnego
Journal Title: Kieleckie Studia Teologiczne - Year 2014, Vol 13, Issue
According to many theologians, ecumenism desperately needs new patterns to spark off struggle for the Christian unity. In the common opinion, ecumenical achievements up to now come out rather poorly. It partly results from the theological difficulties, which often seem to be the stumbling blocks of many dialogues. Yet, another cause that has to be stressed, stems from various transformations of the global Christianity and global societies. In terms of demography, Christianity has clearly shifteds to the South with all the consequencses of this trend. Societies transform economically and socially towards new sociological models which are still being described. Various commentators of the contemporary culture see the condition of today's human being as apathetic and extremely individual. These trends set a new background for Christian Churches as well as for ecumenical leaders and circles. Global Christian Forum may be recognized as an answer to the new social and cultural order of the world. It is intended to be a Christian, ecumenical network which could flexibly face various tendencies of the contemporary society, economy and culture.
Authors and Affiliations
Piotr Kopiec
Rękopisy niedożegnania (Kamieńska – Różewicz – Korczak – Zelga)
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