Siedem pieśni religijnych Ottona Mieczysława Żukowskiego (1867–1942) w kontekście zagadnień semantycznych i muzycznych
Journal Title: Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne - Year 2017, Vol 31, Issue
In the present article the author discusses seven religious songs by the little-known Polish composer, Otton Mieczysław Żukowski (1867˗1942). The songs are: Ojcze nasz (Our Father) op. 47, Panie do Ciebie wołam (Lord, unto Thee I cry), Twych Panie łask (Your mercies, o Lord), Gdy bo- leść wstrząsa (When sorrow strikes), Panie miłosierny (Merciful Lord), Do Boga (To God) and Wie- rzymy Panie (Lord, we believe). The songs’ semantic meaning conveys the basic and most essential truths of the Catholic faith. Thereby, they formed the awareness of the listeners and became a ca- techesis to be sung. The discussed songs have also a strong patriotic and national emphasis as they were created in the time of Poland’s partition and non-existence in Europe. The songs are evidence that God may be involved in the history of a nation and change its difficult position. In terms of musical layer the songs are characterized by a cantilena melodic line and tonal harmony.
Authors and Affiliations
Robert Kaczorowski
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