Sigmoid Colon Perforation in Neonate Having Low Anorectal Malformation with Anocutaneous Fistula- A Rare Presentation


Occurrence of bowel perforation in newborn with low Anorectal Malformation (ARM) is very rare, as thorough clinical examination of perineum in newborn is usually sufficient to make diagnosis of anorectal malformations. However, in 21-32% cases of ARM, there can be delay in diagnosis resulting in inadequate treatment. This diagnostic and therapeutic delay may lead to bowel perforation. We report a case of 2.6 Kg male neonate with low ARM who had presented to us with pneumoperitoneum. On exploratory laparotomy, a sigmoid colon perforation was found which was repaired with proximal diverging colostomy. Anoplasty was also done at the same time. Background As we know, sigmoid colon perforation in low anorectal malformation is a very rare ocurrence and with anocutaneous fistula it’s even rarer. Therefore reporting of this case is very important. Timely diagnosis, early referral to tertiary care centre, prompt and precise intervention are the key to successful management.

Authors and Affiliations

Kanoujia Sunil


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How To Cite

Kanoujia Sunil (2017). Sigmoid Colon Perforation in Neonate Having Low Anorectal Malformation with Anocutaneous Fistula- A Rare Presentation. International Journal of Medical Science and Innovative Research (IJMSIR), 2(2), 15-18.