Silence of God in the Hebrew Bible

Journal Title: Sympozjum - Year 2019, Vol 36, Issue 1


In this article the author analyzes the image of God who keeps silence. This image only rarely appear in the Bible, where God is usually presented as the One, who speaks; as the One who acts through his powerful word. In the first part the author shortly discusses semantic of silence in the Hebrew Bible. Then he presents an attempt of classification of reasons of God’s silence in the Bible and in the related Ancient Near Eastern Texts according to the model developed by M. C. A. Korpel and J. C. D. Moor in their influential book The Silent God. Finally, he focuses on some texts that according to the model presented by Korpel and Moor should classified as incomprehensible; the texts in which this silence could be considered a challenge, an invitation or even a form of a communication between God and human being.

Authors and Affiliations

Krzysztof Napora


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  • EP ID EP593315
  • DOI 10.4467/25443283SYM.19.002.10631
  • Views 32
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How To Cite

Krzysztof Napora (2019). Silence of God in the Hebrew Bible. Sympozjum, 36(1), 11-30.