Silne fale termiczne w Lublinie (Strong thermal waves in Lublin)
Journal Title: Acta Geographica Lodziensia - Year 2016, Vol 104, Issue
In this paper, the definitions of strong and very strong thermal waves have been introduced. The deviations of mean daily temperature from the long-term average of the air temperature by 2 and 3 standard deviations for three consecu-tive days were applied as criteria for thermal waves. The study was conducted for Lublin (1952–2010). In the analyzed period there were 54 strong cold waves and 24 strong warm waves. Strong cold waves often appeared in the first half of the ana-lyzed period. An increase in the incidence of strong warm waves was noted in the XXI century. The criteria for a very strong warm wave were met by 4 cold waves and 1 warm wave. Strong cold waves occurred from 16 September to 7 June, and the strong warm waves – from 17 March to 17 November. Additionally, we analyzed the course of air temperature during a particularly hot summer in 2015 when 4 severe warm waves occurred. A very strong warm wave did not occur during that summer.
Authors and Affiliations
Agnieszka Krzyżewska, Marek Nowosad, Mateusz Dobek
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