Silvicultural Assessment of Complex Logging in the Forests of the Vologda Region
Journal Title: Lesnoy Zhurnal (Russian Forestry Journal) - Year 2025, Vol 403, Issue 1
The forest fund of the Vologda Region is widely represented by secondary and derivative deciduous-coniferous forests. The search for effective methods of managing them in order to increase the stock and accelerate the cultivation of valuable coniferous wood is an urgent task. The timely and scientifically based implementation of complex logging can be considered as an option for its solution. Complex logging is carried out in uneven-aged and complex stands and should combine harvesting of mature wood and forest maintenance. The main goals of such logging are the transformation of deciduous-coniferous plantations into coniferous-deciduous, improving the growth and condition of the coniferous layer and increasing the productivity of stands. Complex logging is not considered in the current Russian legislation, which is due to the lack of sufficient scientific justification and regulatory support for their implementation. By means of the generalization of production experience, the results of the research carried out by the authors and data from long-term observations carried out by employees of the Northern Research Institute of Forestry at stationary experimental facilities with complex logging, proposals have been formulated for the design and purpose of such logging, and organizational and technical parameters have been established for their effective implementation in secondary and derivative forests of the Vologda Region. It is noted that by timely and proper cutting of deciduous species and care for coniferous undergrowth, it is possible to transform deciduous-coniferous plantations into coniferous ones, improve the growth and condition of the coniferous layer, and increase the productivity of the stand. In addition, complex logging should contribute to improving the environmental role of forests, increasing the ecological and special properties of forest ecosystems, as well as preserving biological diversity. The planning and assignment of complex logging should be carried out taking into account forest-forming factors, technological and technical capabilities, as well as economic indicators. A correct, scientifically based approach to complex logging will improve their forestry and economic efficiency.
Authors and Affiliations
Sergey A. Korchagov, Elena A. Surina, Oleg A. Konyushatov, Nikolay S. Minin, Ludmila G. Gogoleva
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