Simplified Model for Predicting Fabric Thermal Resistance According to its Microstructural Parameters
Journal Title: Fibres and Textiles in Eastern Europe - Year 2015, Vol 23, Issue 4
This paper presents a modified model to calculate the thermal resistance of woven and knitted fabrics according to the microstructural parameters. The model was established by analysing the heat transfer process in the simplified basic unit of the fabrics. The model was modified and checked by experimental values of various fabric samples. Pearson correlation coefficients between the thermal resistance and fabric structural parameters were calculated. Results indicate that fabric thermal resistance can be predicted by the modified equation satisfactorily. The Pearson correlation coefficient from high to low follows such a sequence: fabric thickness, fabric volume density, fabric structural parameter a, fibre volume density, and fibre thermal conductivity.
Authors and Affiliations
Ju Wei, Sijin Xu, Hao Liu, Laijiu Zheng, Yongfang Qian
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