Sir Robert Filmer. Sam przeciwko wszystkim! Część I
Journal Title: Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue
Sir Robert Filmer was an English political theorist who defended absolutism and the divine right of kings criticizing Hobbes, Milton, Grotius, Bellarimine, Suarez and Aristotle. Filmer’s theory is founded upon the statement that the government of a family by the father is the true origin and model of all government. In the beginning God gave authority to Adam, who had complete control over his descendants, even over life and death itself. In his point of view the king is perfectly free from all human control, he cannot be bound by the acts of his predecessors, for which he is not responsible; nor by his own, for it is impossible that a man should give a law to himself – a law must be imposed by another upon the person bound by it. In the Article the Author argues that Filmer’s argument is perfect, complete but the last defense of unlimited royal power in the age of destruction of natural political authority.
Authors and Affiliations
Tomasz Tulejski
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