Background: The purpose of this study was to specify the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of pemphigus in the Department of Dermatology of the University Hospital of Dakar.
Patients and Methodology: All medi...
Introduction: Miliary osteoma cutis (OC) of the face is a rare benign extra skeletal bone formation. For our knowledge, only 23 cases have been reported in the English literature. These lesions may be primary or secondar...
Pilomatricoma is an uncommon benign tumor considered to be harmatoma of hair matrix. Here we present a case of 27 year old male patient who had solitary swelling over the right upper eyelid. On the basis of clinical and...
EP ID EP285914
DOI 10.7241/ourd.20181.27
Views 71
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How To Cite
Tomoko Hiraiwa (2018). Six cases of purpuric eruptions induced by epidermal growth factor receptor inhibitors. Nasza Dermatologia Online, 9(1),
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Aspects epidemiologiques et cliniques des pemphigus au Senegal
Background: The purpose of this study was to specify the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of pemphigus in the Department of Dermatology of the University Hospital of Dakar. Patients and Methodology: All medi...
Overlapping of Sturge Weber syndrome and Klippel Trenaunay syndrome: A new case report
Miliary osteoma cutis of the face: A case report
Introduction: Miliary osteoma cutis (OC) of the face is a rare benign extra skeletal bone formation. For our knowledge, only 23 cases have been reported in the English literature. These lesions may be primary or secondar...
Immunoreactivity to Meissner corpuscles and dermal nerves in a bullous arthropod bite reaction
Pilomatricoma of the eyelid
Pilomatricoma is an uncommon benign tumor considered to be harmatoma of hair matrix. Here we present a case of 27 year old male patient who had solitary swelling over the right upper eyelid. On the basis of clinical and...