Skład armii Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego podczas wojny z Turcją (1675–1676) w świetle akt skarbowo-wojskowych
Journal Title: Zapiski Historyczne. Poświęcone Historii Pomorza i Krajów Bałtyckich - Year 2018, Vol 83, Issue 1
The aim of this source edition is to reconstruct thoroughly the composition of the Lithuanian army in the years 1675–1676 during the next stage of the war between the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth with Turkey (1672–1676), in which the Grand Duchy of Lithuania took an active part. The source basis used to reconstruct the composition of the army during three quarters of the service in the years 1675–1676 were the accounts of the Grand Sub-Treasurer of Lithuania Benedykt Paweł Sapieha, which were prepared for the Grodno Sejm of 1678–1679. They include the expenditure of the treasury on individual units of the Lithuanian army in the quarters from 15 August to 15 November 1675 and two quarters of 1676 – in total from 15 May to 15 November 1676. In order to present the composition of the army in the first half of 1675 the authors used the list of the Lithuanian military units found in the Sanguszko Archive in Cracow.
Authors and Affiliations
Konrad Bobiatyński, Zbigniew Hundert
Agata Zysiak, Punkty za pochodzenie. Powojenna modernizacja i uniwersytet w robotniczym mieście
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