Slhouette in context of modern visual culture of Ukraine


On the basis of research of silhouette, artistic expressiveness of design from a paper, cultural and historical and project pre-conditions of works in this technique, it is necessary to consider silhouette as means of graphic expressiveness and to ground the value of this technique for creation of works with more unusual effects and features, that will stimulate to the free associations in an art and in a design. It costs to pay attention artists, designers to creative possibilities of silhouette, as for today small researches from this range of problems, and exhibitions, use of this technique in the design of interiors, graphic design, editions of catalogues from silhouette not to a full degree represent development of this type of decorative art. A research aim consists in that, to investigate, to analyze development of technique of silhouette, educe and distinguish the personal touches of artistically-expressive forms of silhouette, that stimulate to the free associations in the context of visual culture of Ukraine. Silhouette forms the complex of feeling and opinions of people. If the educator value of other forms of public consciousness carries partial character, then a visual culture in silhouette influences complex in opinion and heart, and there is not such to the corner of human spirit, that it would not touch the influence.

Authors and Affiliations

O. Khramova-Baranova


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How To Cite

O. Khramova-Baranova (2018). Slhouette in context of modern visual culture of Ukraine. Історія науки і техніки: Збірник наукових праць Державного університету інфраструктури та технологій, 8(1), 75-82.