Шляхи оптимізації лісистості Передкарпаття [The ways of Precarpathian forests optimization]
Journal Title: Наукові праці Лісівничої академії наук України - Year 2016, Vol 14, Issue
The water runoff often occurs at the Precarpathian as a result of anthropogenic reduction of forest cover (to 29%), species composition and age structure of regional forests, significant plowing (over 40%) that leads to intense soil erosion processes, which cover 16% of the land. Therefore the forest cover optimization is very important due to necessity to prevent these negative processes, to perform its flow regulating role, and to ensure the soil cover safety. The main purpose of this publication is directed to this issue clarification. 18 river watersheds with areas from 102 to 910 square kilometres, with average altitudes from 260 to 590 metres above sea level, and with forest cover from 5 to 59% were chosen as investigation objects. The results of these watersheds forest cover investigations in 1947 and 2010 were taken to analyze. The forest cover dynamics on 18 river watersheds was analyzed depending on their following parameters: 1) watersheds altitude in different site conditions – from the border of the West Foreststeppe to the foot of the Carpathians; 2) the size of the watershed areas; 3) agroforestry activities; 4) species composition, categories of watershed forests, and their forest management plan. Forest cover increasing was proposed due to not to the whole watershed area in general but to watershed parts which are geographic net with similar ecosystems and geosystems and with similar water regime and destructive processes. It was clarified that the positive effect of forest impact on the water runoff regulation appears largely from its 10% level. It was found that the current Precarpathian forest cover (29%) is less than optimal for soil (34-37%) and water protection (46%). The lowest level (24%) is peculiar to plains adjacent to the West Foreststeppe. Regional forest cover grows in the Carpathian direction up to 40-50%. So, watershed forest cover increasing is main purpose from the environmental protection position, and watershed forest cover maintaining – from position of water runoff regulation. Another important way of forest cover optimizing is its expansion on some sparsely wooded watersheds with areas from 100 to 120 km2, regardless of their territorial distribution. These watersheds are characterized by low regulation of the water runoff. In general, forest cover in the region can be increased from 29 to 37% due to degraded and unproductive lands reforestation. In addition, the protection forests establishment along the drainage and eroded slopes can contribute to the multifunctional forest role strengthening, as well as species composition improving on the forest typology base and environmental oriented forestry.
Authors and Affiliations
Vasyl Olijnyk, Oksana Tkachuk
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