Slovensko pravopisje in prevzemanje grško-latinskih prvin: med izročilom, prestižem in uporabnikom

Journal Title: Keria: Studia Latina et Graeca - Year 2016, Vol 18, Issue 1


In the normative Slovene tradition, the borrowing of proper names from the Latin and Greek world was treated as exclusionist and often accompanied by contradictory instructions for common language users, who belonged to various levels of social differentiation. By contrast, the fund of common nouns underwent a relatively quick phonetic adaptation. An exception is the individual expressions which are treated in our language community as prestigious, i.e. intellectual, and are thus preserved as direct quotations. It is due to the aforementioned factors in codifying the Latin-Greek lexicon and names that the contemporary standard language norm lacks uniformity. The article presents the existing principles of Slovenisation illustrated by a selected group of words, and the experiences which await us in the future.

Authors and Affiliations

Helena Dobrovoljc


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  • EP ID EP301457
  • DOI 10.4312/keria.18.1.117-135
  • Views 43
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How To Cite

Helena Dobrovoljc (2016). Slovensko pravopisje in prevzemanje grško-latinskih prvin: med izročilom, prestižem in uporabnikom. Keria: Studia Latina et Graeca, 18(1), 117-135.