slugAnti Spam Robot


The rapid growth of Internet has popularized E-mail as an effective means to communicate between people. At the same time, it has encouraged a new form of advertising known as spam or junk-email. Sophisticated spammers forge their e-mail headers so that it can bypass many filters relying on address checking. In this project, the filter relies on the actual message content to distinguish spam emails. There are three distinct processes. First, the filter is supplied with many training data, including both genuine and spam e-mails. Second, the filter removes redundant words and smoothes data by applying the Porter Stemming algorithm. Finally, the testing e-mails are passed into the filter for classification.

Authors and Affiliations

Tarun Dugar, Rijul Handa, Mohit Garg, Akshay Gupta


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How To Cite

Tarun Dugar, Rijul Handa, Mohit Garg, Akshay Gupta (2014). slugAnti Spam Robot. International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 2(5), -.