
The aim of this paper is to explain the variation in the density of different colors in different ink sequence. The sequence of colors is very important for the print quality in the sheet fed offset. While CMYK and KCMY are the standardized sequences for offset lithography but there is possibilities of printing work carried out by five different color sequences namely CMYK, MYCK, YMCK, K CMY and KYMC. In order to identify the effect of ink sequence in sheet fed print quality , a master is prepared and printing is done in the local printing press of repute . Our aim is to find the effect of different ink sequence in printing and further to choose best out of them.

Authors and Affiliations

Vikas Solanki, Ambrish Pandey, Anil


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How To Cite

Vikas Solanki, Ambrish Pandey, Anil (2014). slugEFFECT OF INK SEQUENCE ON DENSITY OF SHEET-FED OFFSET PRINTING INK. International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 2(5), -.