slugWhy Repatriates Resign: Interviews w ith Those Who Left
Journal Title: International Journal of Academic Research in Management - Year 2014, Vol 3, Issue 1
This research paper is a qualitative exploration of why repatriates resign from their organisation after returning to their home country, through the eyes of repatriates. Based on semi-structured interviews, resignation in part results from underemployment, relative deprivation and unmet expectations. Extending Bowen and Ostroff's (2004) theoretical framework to repatriation our research highlights a weak climate can be created in an organisation when all parts of the organisation are not working synchronously, thus influencing turnover. In particular our research found the lack of consistent communication by HR significantly affected the repatriate’s experience and intention to leave. We found the pull towards boundaryless careers seemed to be a result of going abroad after repatriation. Our research highlights the importance of additional reward motivating continuance of international assignments.
Authors and Affiliations
Dawn Olds and Liza Howe-Walsh
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