SMAD family proteins: the current knowledge on their expression and potential role in neoplastic diseases

Journal Title: Advances in Hygiene and Experimental Medicine - Year 2014, Vol 68, Issue


Transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) plays a crucial role and takes part in many processes in the human body both in physiology and pathology. This cytokine is involved in angiogenesis, regulates apoptosis and stimulates divisions of cells, such as hepatocytes, lymphocytes or hematopoietic cells. SMAD proteins family is a unique group of particles responsible for transducting the signal induced by TGF-β into the nucleus. This molecules, after receiving a signal from activated TGF-β, act on transcription factors in the nucleus, leading directly to the expression of the corresponding genes. According to current knowledge, disturbances in the functioning of SMAD proteins are present in a number of diseases. The reduced expression was observed, for example in cardiovascular diseases such as primary pulmonary hypertension or myocardial infarction, autoimmune diseases for instance systemic lupus erythematosus and multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease or osteoporosis. The latest clinical data showed the presence of mutations in SMAD proteins in cancerogenesis. Mutation of SMAD-4 protein can be detected in half of the patients with pancreatic cancer, 20% of patients with colorectal cancer and 10% of patients with lung cancer. However, mutation in SMAD-2 protein was observed in 7% of both patients with colorectal cancer and lung cancer. On the basis of numerous works, SMAD protein expression would be valuable prognostic factor in some of neoplastic diseases.

Authors and Affiliations

Magdalena Witkowska, Piotr Smolewski


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How To Cite

Magdalena Witkowska, Piotr Smolewski (2014). SMAD family proteins: the current knowledge on their expression and potential role in neoplastic diseases. Advances in Hygiene and Experimental Medicine, 68(), 301-309.