Small strain stiffness in overconsolidated Pliocene clays
Journal Title: Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW. Land Reclamation - Year 2013, Vol 45, Issue 2
A huge development of technical infrastructure, including the construction of many high-rise buildings, roads, railroads and extension of subway lines, took place over the recent years in Poland. Therefore, numerous planned investment projects require geotechnical data documenting the variation of soil parameters found in the subsoil. The shear wave velocity is one of the most important input parameters to represent the stiffness of the soil deposits. This paper focuses on the methods and devices using measurements of the shear wave velocity to estimate the initial shear modulus in cohesive soil. It is preferable to measure VS by in situ wave propagation tests, however it is often economically not feasible in all regions of Poland. Hence, a reliable correlation between shear wave velocity and parameters measured in triaxial cell or static penetration parameters would be a considerable advantage. This study shows results obtained from the bender elements tests and field techniques - seismic cone penetration test and seismic flat dilatometer, performed on overconsolidated cohesive soils in Warsaw. On the basis of the test results possible correlations between shear wave velocity (initial shear modulus), mean effective stress and void ratio are considered and four original empirical relationships are proposed. Moreover, the proposed formulas by two different techniques using triaxial apparatus and also RCPT cone were examined. The proposed formulas show a reasonable agreement with direct shear wave velocity profiles for clays and might be incorporated into routine laboratory and field practice.
Authors and Affiliations
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