Smart Integrated Trolley for Future Super Markets


Among the various sectors that contribute to the economic growth of a country, the service sector, especially the retail sector, plays an important role. In that sense, the retail sector especially in supermarkets, in India is growing very fast. However, there is a problem in getting qualified labours for the development of the sector. Thus, this creates a situation where supermarkets lose their customers and their profits. Although various innovations have been implemented in the supermarkets to address these issues, it does not seem to be sufficiently satisfactory. Smart Integrated Trolley for Future Super Markets is recommended here to address these shortcomings. In this system, the control unit is integrated with the entrance unit, trolley unit, and check out unit. Trolley will smartly receive the payment for the items selected by the customer and give the receipt. The customer can also ask about his doubts and queries through a wireless two way communication device in the trolley. Using this system enables better service to customers and also helps to reduce the number of labours. And there is no doubt that supermarkets operating in more than one shift mode will increase the quality of their service and their profit margin when they use this system. Umamaheswari M "Smart Integrated Trolley for Future Super Markets" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-4 , June 2021, URL: https://www.ijtsrd.compapers/ijtsrd42484.pdf Paper URL: https://www.ijtsrd.comengineering/electronics-and-communication-engineering/42484/smart-integrated-trolley-for-future-super-markets/umamaheswari-m

Authors and Affiliations

Umamaheswari M


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Umamaheswari M (2021). Smart Integrated Trolley for Future Super Markets. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, 5(4), -.