Smart skills and education in a future economy

Journal Title: e-mentor - Year 2018, Vol 74, Issue 2


Whether the role of education is to prepare people for employment or to have meaningful lives in general, it will identify and develop skills and competencies, as well as vocational and personal attributes. Skills, such as critical thinking, novel ideation, and complex cognitive and social skills, are areas where humans continue to outperform smart machines. The purpose of this article is to review the skills and competencies that will be in demand in the future, with an eye to recent technological changes. First, macroeconomic data concerning higher education will be reviewed in order to illustrate the situation of tertiary education, with a focus on Poland. A significant decline in demand for tertiary education has been observed in Poland in the last few years, despite the good returns on investment in education, which are the highest among the OECD countries. The empirical part of this paper presents results of a pilot survey that aimed to provide insight into several key competencies and vocational attributes that are perceived to be relevant for a future economy, according to Polish employers. The primary data was collected manually, using a quantitative survey on three occasions at two different job fairs in Gdansk in March 2017. Work experience, new media literacy, and formal education were assessed as least relevant variables (x=13); learning and diligence were assessed as most relevant according to the studied target group (n=55). Furthermore, the study showed specific differences in perception, depending on the size of the employer.

Authors and Affiliations

Franciszek Kutrzeba


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  • EP ID EP422920
  • DOI 10.15219/em74.1350
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How To Cite

Franciszek Kutrzeba (2018). Smart skills and education in a future economy. e-mentor, 74(2), 37-43.