SMS Alerts Framework For Journal Book Maintanance in Tamil Nadu Schools and Colleges Library


The SMS alerts to maintenance journals, books, in schools and college library framework is software which can become the backbone for the libraries. This software is very useful for monitoring and controlling the library books in an easy manner. The purpose of the application is automation of both library and student details. This application solve the issues faced by the people those who have taken the books and forgot to renew it. This application will remind the person about the renewal date through an SMS. So it will be convenient for him/her. An additional feature of this application is the updating of the book details are automatically intimated to the students through an SMS. So they can easily aware of the books available in library till now.

Authors and Affiliations

Magesh S, Thangamani M


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How To Cite

Magesh S, Thangamani M (2016). SMS Alerts Framework For Journal Book Maintanance in Tamil Nadu Schools and Colleges Library. International Research Journal in Global Engineering and Sciences, 1(1), 39-42.