In order to evaluate the usefulness of native antigens of autochthonous strains of Aspergillus fumigatus for immunodiagnosis of aspergilloma, We was conducted a study using two strains of this fungus, isolated from patie...
[b]Objetivo:[/b] Determinar la variabilidad genética del gen de la envoltura porción C2-V3-C3 (env) del VIH-1 infectando grupos humanos con diferente conducta sexual de riesgo para adquirir ITS-VIH. [b]Materiales y métod...
Para afrontar la pandemia por la nueva influenza A (H1N1) se requiere de un adecuado manejo de los casos, en ese sentido, la Sociedad Peruana de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Tropicales ha desarrollado una guía que se resum...
[i][b]Objective: [/b][/i]To determine the level of immune response after a mass vaccination campaign against rabies in two areas which presented cases of canine rabies in the last years. [i][b]Materials and methods:[/b][...
In this paper we describe the current situation of the epidemic of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (TB MDR) and extensively-drug resistant tuberculosis (TB XDR) in Peru. We do an analysis of our situation in comparison...
EP ID EP154970
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Gladis Ventura (2007). Sobre la denominación de la enfermedad de Carrión.<br />
Réplica del editor.. Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud Publica, 24(3),
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Native antigen of Aspergillus fumigatus with useful for immunodiagnosis of aspergilloma
In order to evaluate the usefulness of native antigens of autochthonous strains of Aspergillus fumigatus for immunodiagnosis of aspergilloma, We was conducted a study using two strains of this fungus, isolated from patie...
Variabilidad del gen de la envoltura del VIH-1 en tres grupos humanos con diferentes conductas sexuales de riesgo para adquirir ITS-VIH.
[b]Objetivo:[/b] Determinar la variabilidad genética del gen de la envoltura porción C2-V3-C3 (env) del VIH-1 infectando grupos humanos con diferente conducta sexual de riesgo para adquirir ITS-VIH. [b]Materiales y métod...
Guía para el manejo de pacientes con la nueva Influenza A (H1N1).
Para afrontar la pandemia por la nueva influenza A (H1N1) se requiere de un adecuado manejo de los casos, en ese sentido, la Sociedad Peruana de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Tropicales ha desarrollado una guía que se resum...
Dogs susceptibility to rabies after a vaccination campaign in endemic areas of Peru.
[i][b]Objective: [/b][/i]To determine the level of immune response after a mass vaccination campaign against rabies in two areas which presented cases of canine rabies in the last years. [i][b]Materials and methods:[/b][...
Multidrug and extensively-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR/XDR TB) epidemic in Peru: situation and proposals for its control
In this paper we describe the current situation of the epidemic of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (TB MDR) and extensively-drug resistant tuberculosis (TB XDR) in Peru. We do an analysis of our situation in comparison...