Social and Legal Situation of Handicapped Persons in the Russian Federation
Journal Title: Białostockie Studia Prawnicze - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 23
The article by K. Laskowska presents the evolution in the approach of the state and of society to handicapped persons in Russia in the past and in the present. Th e author points to a number of problems that have been present for years in relationships of handicapped persons with other people (lack of understanding and support, dislike, and rejection), as well as existential problems encountered by them in their daily lives (unemployment, low disability benefi ts). Th e author also presents the most important provisions of the Act “On social protection of handicapped persons in the Russian Federation” of 1995, which regulates many spheres of the state’s assistance provided to such persons. In particular, the Act regulates the support related to housing, healthcare, information, transport, fi nancial aid, etc. Th e deliberations lead to the conclusion that changes are needed that will lead to better social integration, as well as to better and more eff ective work of representatives of state authorities and institutions. What is needed is a single cohesive and effi cient system that facilitates the functioning of handicapped persons in society.
Authors and Affiliations
Katarzyna Laskowska
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