Social Capital And Households’ Vulnerability To Poverty In Asa Local Government Area Of Kwara State

Journal Title: IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance (IOSR-JEF) - Year 2018, Vol 9, Issue 4


This study examined the effects of social capital on vulnerability to poverty among farming households in Asa local government Ilorin Kwara State. A two stage sampling procedure was used to collect data (using questionnaire/interview guide) from 120 households across four randomly selected villages. The data were analyzed using three stage feasible generalized least square (3FGLS) and Logistic regression. Analysis of the socio-economic characteristics with social capital dimensions showed that meeting attendance, cash contribution, and decision making indices were higher among male headed households than the female headed households. Further analysis of households’ poverty indicated that 27.4% households were poor while 72.6% of the households were non-poor. However, vulnerable households accounted for 61.5% of the respondents while only 38.5% were non-vulnerable (indicating that a part of the 72.6% non-poor households were likely to be poor if they experience shock(s) in near future). Decision making index had a negative effect on households’ vulnerability to poverty, whereas cash contribution affected it positively. The study therefore recommended that policymakers should increase awareness on the benefits of social capital to enhance rural households’ participation and reduce vulnerability to poverty.

Authors and Affiliations

Yusuf W. A. , K. B. Yusuf, S. A. Yusuf


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  • EP ID EP414897
  • DOI 10.9790/5933-0904036168.
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How To Cite

Yusuf W. A. , K. B. Yusuf, S. A. Yusuf (2018). Social Capital And Households’ Vulnerability To Poverty In Asa Local Government Area Of Kwara State. IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance (IOSR-JEF), 9(4), 61-68.